Amrita Vidyalayam implemented the Fit India Movement launched by the Honourable Prime Minister on August 29, 2019 in full earnest by observing Fitness Week from November 13th to 19th. The movement is aimed to encourage people to make physical activity and sports a part of their daily routine. Principal Brni. Rekha decided to involve the Senior Secondary students in this activity in order to promote peer involvement and to give them the opportunity to learn leadership qualities.

Senior Secondary students were divided into 13 groups of 2 each, and were allocated classes from 4 to 7 with clear instructions on how each session should be conducted. Emphasis was also laid on promoting the vision, “Ek Bharat, Sreshtha Bharat” under which indigenous games played in other parts of India would be introduced to the students.

Our Senior Secondary students left no time in planning their classes. A 40 minute session was divided into 3 sessions – 10 minutes of warm-up, 10 minutes talk on nutrition and 20 minutes of games. Games such as Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Pakadam Pakadi, Tic-Tac-Toe, Dog and the Bone, Dodge Ball, Poison-Medicine, etc. were played with a lot of enthusiasm, and the young teachers were loved by all the students. At Amrita Vidyalayam, Mass PT, yoga and meditation are compulsory for all students. Students from classes 1 to 3 participated in Mass PT, and students from classes 8 to 10 practiced yoga and meditation.

The Fitness Week experience helped the students immensely, and the objective of developing sports quotient in order to live a healthy lifestyle by changing passing screen time to active field time was achieved with great success. Peer involvement helped to instill the importance of regular physical activity which will help all students to attain higher levels of fitness, which in turn will lead to enhanced self-esteem and confidence.