Her Holiness Sampujya Sadguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi lovingly called as “AMMA” by all, was born on Kritika Nakshatra which is celebrated as “Kartika Pooja” by devotees throughout the world.

Amrita Vidyalayam staff celebrated Kartika puja on 26th March 2022 under the guidance of Brahmacharini Sharanyamrita Chaitanya.

The Puja started with the auspicious lighting of the lamp done by Sharanyamritaji, followed by chanting of the Pranava mantra “Aum.”  The Ganapathi Atharvasheersh, the 108 divine names of “Amma” and the Medha suktam reverberated in the hall while they were chanted. This energized environment was then taken to the state of serenity with guided meditation. Few bhajans were sung with great reverence and devotion to invoke Amma’s grace and blessings which transported us to a divine mood and blissful state. Satsang was given by Sharanyamrita ji, giving us an insight into the nine types of bhakti and how in present times it is important to follow at least one of these in order to keep ourselves peaceful to manage life. The program ended by performing Arati to Amma which was followed by chanting of Shanti Mantra for the peace of the whole world. Everyone present offered flowers at the holy feet of Amma and partook the “Prasadam”.