Childrens Day Celebrations 2019

The first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru said, “Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow”.

The students of Amrita Vidyalayam were looking forward to a fun filled day on the occasion of Children’s Day on November 14th, and they were not disappointed. In the morning, they sought blessings from their beloved Principal Brni. Rekha as she gave them chocolates and sweets. In addition to building a solid academic foundation, Amrita Vidyalayam also places high emphasis on peer involvement. Senior Secondary students got an opportunity to hone their leadership skills and reflect on their learning as they took on the role of Physical Fitness teachers on this day. Our students of 5th and 6th grades simply loved the young teachers and enjoyed playing traditional games such as Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Dodge ball, Tic-Tac-Toe, Lock and Key, Dog and Bone, etc. Apart from organizing games, the students also discussed the benefits of fitness and nutrition with each class. The role play enabled the Senior Secondary students to appreciate the invaluable contribution of teachers in their lives as well as classroom and time management.

The Junior KG students of Amrita Nursery were treated to a lovely puppet show on the story, “The Upturned Turtle”. It was thrilling to see the excitement in the eyes of the young children while they waited for the puppets to appear from behind the curtain. The Senior KG teachers dramatized the story, “The Crows and the Snake” which was thoroughly enjoyed by the tiny tots who waited eagerly for the story to unravel.

It was indeed a memorable day for the students of Amrita Vidyalayam.

Children’s Day in our KG Section